Preparing Pets For Halloween

dog dressed for halloween.

Halloween is a fun and festive time, but it can also pose several risks for our furry friends. At Curem Veterinary Care, we want to make sure that your pets enjoy a safe and happy Halloween. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you prepare your pets for the season.


Pets and Technology: Exploring Innovative Gadgets and Apps for Pet Care and Monitoring

veterinarian using microscope.
asian woman veterinarian check illness with microscope and the close up owner is aside dog

Pets and tech go paw in hand, particularly when it’s pet tech that promotes improved health and safety and keeps us connected with our pets. From wearable pet tech to the latest pet gadgets, we outline smart pet products for the savvy cats and dogs in your life in this blog from our team at Curem Veterinary Care


Unlocking the Mystery of Catnip: Exploring Its Fascinating Effects on Feline Friends

cat sniffing catnip plant.

For many cat owners, watching their house panther enjoy catnip is an enjoyable and often humorous experience. But is catnip okay for your cat? Do catnip effects have harmful consequences? Your resource for all things feline here at Curem Veterinary Care has the answers you are looking for about Nepata Cataria (catnip) and your kitty. 


Harmony at Home: A Deep Dive into Resolving Common Cat Behavioral Challenges

Cat Behavior

It’s easy to understand why so many households have pet cats. They’re clean and cuddly, inquisitive and intelligent. But, like any living creature, they have their not-so-well-behaved moments, too. If your cat scratches furniture, snarls at the dog, or insists that her favorite place to potty is right beside the litter box, take heart! If you’ve got cat behavior problems, our team at Curem Veterinary Care has cat behavior solutions.

Keep reading for cat behavior tips to help you and your fluffy feline restore harmony at home.


Embracing Sustainability: Eco-Friendly Pet Care

eco-friendly pet care.

Now more than ever, shoppers are becoming conscious of the impact they make on the planet. That includes those of us who shop for pet products. Here at Curem Veterinary Care, we’ve rounded up a list of our favorite eco-friendly pet care brands to make sustainable pet care easy for you. 

Whether you’re ready to start your holiday shopping or you just want to splurge on new bedding for Fido, we’ve got you covered. 


Overcoming Pet Separation Anxiety: Tips and Strategies for a Happy and Healthy Relationship

pet separation anxiety.

Our furry companions aren’t just pets but cherished members of our families. But just like humans, our pets can experience anxiety, particularly when separated from their loved ones. 

Pet separation anxiety is a common issue many pet owners face, but it can be managed effectively with the right strategies and support. In this blog post, Curem Veterinary Care will explore the causes of separation anxiety in pets, provide practical tips for coping with it, and offer guidance on strengthening the bond between you and your four-legged friend.


Why Do Cats Knead?

Cat kneading.

Cats are known to be independent and aloof, so it can be difficult to understand what they’re thinking. Cats often exhibit a behavior known as kneading, which looks a little like your cat is kneading bread dough or “making biscuits.”

What exactly is kneading? Why do cats do it? Can it become excessive? Here are some answers that may help you better understand your feline friend.
