A Targeted Pet Insurance Program Can Help You Manage Your Pet Care Expenses
Providing your pet with excellent veterinary care can sometimes result in unplanned expenses. Maybe a specific treatment plan isn’t in your budget, and you wonder how you’ll cover those costs. At the same time, Curem Veterinary Care wants to provide your cat or dog with the best possible care.
Fortunately, a targeted pet insurance policy can offer a solution that works for both parties. First, your veterinarian will provide the appropriate treatment for your pet’s needs. If necessary, Curem Veterinary Care will provide you with access to a third-party payment solution to help you cover the upfront treatment costs.
After you pay the treatment expenses in full, the pet insurance company will reimburse you according to the policy’s provisions. Some plans include an option to add preventive care and/or wellness coverage, so they can actually do the same as a wellness plan while also providing coverage for unplanned costs. Pet owners should understand that different pet insurance plans may better fit certain pets and/or care scenarios. However, most pet insurance plans exclude a pet’s pre-existing conditions.

When to Purchase Pet Insurance
So, when is the best time to purchase pet insurance? You can certainly obtain coverage for your cat or dog anytime. However, purchasing pet insurance before your pet first visits the vet is the best move. By following this strategy, more of your pet’s services may be covered.
Just like human insurance premiums, pet insurance premiums vary with the insured’s age. Therefore, purchasing coverage right after your pet joins the family is the most cost-effective option.

Pet Insurance vs Wellness Plans
You’ve probably heard about pet wellness plans. These enticing offerings are typically presented as a prepaid services package usable at a single veterinary hospital or multi-location provider. However, pet owners often find that the hospital is always booked and they cannot get a timely appointment for their pet. Sometimes, owners must pay out of pocket to have their pet treated at a different veterinary practice.
Pet insurance is based on a fundamentally different premise. Pet owners can use their pet insurance coverage at any veterinary hospital, whether local or out of state. Whether you’re at home or enjoying a vacation, the pet insurance coverage will apply according to the specific policy provisions.
Finding a Pet Insurance Provider
Because each pet’s insurance needs are different, we believe directing our clients to a knowledgeable insurance advisor makes sense. Pawlicy Advisor will learn about your pet’s needs and provide information on insurance providers that may be a good fit. Call Pawlicy Advisor for details or visit the Pawlicy Advisor website.