pet wellness visit.

If your pet seems healthy, happy, and completely free of medical issues, it can be tempting to skip his yearly wellness exam. Especially if you’re already juggling what feels like a thousand other responsibilities. 

But pet health check-ups are an incredibly important part of being a responsible pet parent. The team at Curem Veterinary Care shares why routine veterinary exams are a must.

The Importance of Pet Check-Ups

According to the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), yearly checkups can help extend your pet’s life. Who doesn’t want more time with their beloved furry friends? The reason behind this is that yearly or bi-annual exams allow your veterinarian to identify problems before they get too serious. 

With early detection and treatment, your pet has a higher chance of making a full recovery. And even if your dog or cat is young and healthy, yearly checkups build a health record that your veterinarian can refer to in the future. 

For example, your vet may take Fido’s blood during each wellness visit to establish a baseline of his normal blood values. Let’s say these values stay the same for three years. On the fourth annual wellness visit, however, the numbers look different. Looking back on your dog’s records, your veterinarian will quickly see that there’s an issue. She can then do further testing to look for a cause. 

What Happens During a Routine Veterinary Exam? 

There are usually two parts to a routine yearly wellness visit: a physical exam and routine testing. 

During the physical nose-to-tail exam, your veterinarian will check for:

Depending on what your veterinarian learns during this exam, they may do one of the following tests:

  • Baseline blood test 
  • Heartworm test
  • Fecal examinations
  • Urinalysis

You’d be surprised to learn how much your veterinary team can learn from these four tests. They can detect everything from heartworm and Lyme disease, to diabetes and kidney dysfunction. 

Once your veterinarian identifies a problem, your pup can get the treatment she needs. 

Don’t Skip That Wellness Visit!

Yearly wellness visits mean early detection in pets, and early detection means disease prevention for your favorite pets. If it’s been a while since Fido or Kitty saw the vet, book a wellness visit with the caring team at Curem Veterinary Care. No matter how long it’s been, we’ll welcome you and your fur-babies with open arms.