Understanding Canine Hip Dysplasia 

canine with hip dysplasia.

Hip dysplasia in dogs is a common canine affliction, but one not a lot of pet owners truly understand. Thankfully, though, with an expert resource like Curem Veterinary Care at your disposal, you don’t have to understand it on your own.


The Best Pet-Friendly Hikes in Mesa, Arizona

Hiking with pets.

We’re lucky enough to live in a desert playscape here in Mesa, Arizona, which means there are plenty of outdoor activities to do with our pets. If you’re looking for a new pet-friendly hike to try, the team at Curem Veterinary Care rounded up our 5 favorite dog-friendly trails to explore. 


Prevention and Preparation: A Guide to Pet Safety in the Desert

Pet safety.

Folks outside of Arizona might assume that the biggest threat to pet safety in the desert is, quite obviously, the weather. Without a doubt, the heat in Arizona can cause serious illness in pets and can even be deadly. Unfortunately, high heat is really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the risks to pet safety in the desert. With a wide variety of potential threats on the vast horizon, it’s essential to be on the lookout all year long. We can help you brush up on the ways to prevent and handle pet emergencies in the southwest. 


Is it Better to Buy or Adopt a Pet?

A woman holds her adopted puppy.

Congratulations on your decision to welcome a new pet into your home! If you’re still on the fence about whether to buy from a breeder or adopt from a shelter, you’ve come to the right place. The benefits of adopting a pet are many, and our team at Curem Veterinary Care encourages you to consider the following reasons to choose adoption:  


Do Pets Get Allergies?

Allergies in pets.

Allergies in pets are actually pretty common. Our dog and cat friends can be allergic to anything that a person can be. They can have a sensitivity to bee stings, react to a vaccine, have trouble with ragweed, or even be allergic to you! So how do you know if your cat or dog has allergies? Keep reading to find out.


4 Steps to Provide Proper Dental Care for Your Pets

Pet dental care.

Keeping your cat or dog healthy and happy throughout her life means treating her to plenty of playtime, proper nutrition, routine wellness care, and pet dental care.

Your pet’s pearly whites play a more important role in her overall health than you may realize. Periodontal (gum) disease is extremely painful, and the bacteria from your pet’s gums can travel to her organs and cause irreversible damage.


5 Ways Cats Make You a Better Person

Happy cat owner

Your cat never ceases to amuse you. Whether you share your life with a crazy kitten or a mellow senior cat, they can add a rich new dimension to your life. Here are six ways your cat can help to make you healthier and happier:

Cats Provide Steady Companionship

People living alone sometimes experience loneliness. Even while interacting with others, coming home to an empty house can create an isolated feeling. Seniors in long-term care, or others who aren’t physically able to enjoy many social interactions, have an especially tough time. Fortunately, studies show that cat ownership can help to decrease these feelings of loneliness.


5 Ways to Spoil Your Pet This Season

Gifts for pets.

While you’re shopping for the hottest gizmos and gadgets for everyone on your list, don’t forget to pick up something extra special for the pets in your life. From bestselling pet products to the latest trends, plus other ways to show your pets how much you care, our team at Curem Veterinary Care has ideas to help you spoil your pets this season. 


Why Do Cats Knead?

Cat kneading.

Cats are known to be independent and aloof, so it can be difficult to understand what they’re thinking. Cats often exhibit a behavior known as kneading, which looks a little like your cat is kneading bread dough or “making biscuits.”

What exactly is kneading? Why do cats do it? Can it become excessive? Here are some answers that may help you better understand your feline friend.
